Taking Action to Strengthen Our Class Action Community
Founded by The Moskowitz Law Firm & its Managing Partner Adam M. Moskowitz, The David Project will review and investigate, on a pro bono basis, any and all class action case ideas, proposed class action settlements, and important class action rules and issues. In an effort to give back and always help improve our class action community, the David Project will:
(1) file new class action complaints, seeking no fees and/or compensation, where we will seek to do justice and utilize the class action device, where it would possibly would not otherwise, have been brought, because there may not have been a few incentive,
(2) review and opine, again always on a pro bono basis, on proposed class action settlements, where we will fully support and/or object to, but always first work with Settlement Counsel, to help self regulate our class action community and/or offer support when we believe nefarious objections have been filed, and,
(3) offer opinions and suggestions on important issues affecting our class action community.
“After having the honor of working on behalf of millions of victims, with countless honorable co-counsel, and appearing before so many wonderful judges from across the country, it is time to step up and give something back to our class action community. Actions always speak louder than words.”
Adam has been an adjunct professor in Class Action Litigation for over 30 years and decided to establish The David Project as a way to give back to the class action community. He and the entire team at The Moskowitz Law Firm is committed to being of service to victims of any kind of injustice. If you or someone you love has suffered due to the wrongful or negligent actions of others and believe you have a potential class action claim, don’t hesitate to contact us today to explore your legal rights and options.
Request your FREE CASE REVIEW via the contact form below or call our office now at 305-740-1423 to speak with one of our experienced attorneys.
Have a Proposed Class Action Case, Idea, Pending Settlement OR Just Want to be Involved? Connect With Us Below.
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NOTE: The submission of information through this website to The Moskowitz Law Firm will not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship. We cannot assure you that your communications will be privileged or, unless agreed to in a specific case, that we will treat your website communications as such. Please do not send any confidential or sensitive information until you speak with one of our attorneys or legal professionals, obtain prior written authorization to send that information to us, and have entered into a formal written attorney-client relationship. Thank you.
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See List of Current Class Action Cases
The Moskowitz Law Firm is currently pursuing legal action against relevant parties on behalf of victims across several matters. Click below to review our active class action cases and whether you qualify as a class action member.
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Class Action Litigation
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